The purpose of TLC is clear: to provide products and a community that you’ll feel – and help everyone we come in contact with to live a better life.
Michigan Is Our Home
Headquartered in Fair Haven, Michigan, TLC just may be the best-kept secret in its own home state. With 450 employees, and experiencing constant growth, TLC is well-positioned to help our fellow Michiganders.
Our Metro-Detroit Initiatives
With us, people always come first. We believe when it comes to Metro Detroit we’re practically just getting started – and plan on creating magic wherever we can. Here are just a few of the things we’ve been doing in our own backyard…

Restaurant Takeover
With restaurants closed for in-person seating and struggling to stay open for well over two months due to Covid19, we decided to buy lunch for all our employees and donate $1000 to each restaurant to help make up for lost sales!

Benny Freeman X-Mas Tree Lighting
Our Christmas Tree Lighting was intended to raise money for Adaptable Swings in honor of Bennie Freeman! We sold ornaments and shirts at our December event at TLCHQ and all proceeds were donated to Adaptable Swings.

Coat Drive
We partnered with the Pay It Forward Foundation and Channel 955 in November 2020 and collected over 2,000 coats. The coats were donated to people who couldn’t afford them and would have gone cold in the coming winter.

Teacher Appreciation
For February 2021, TLC was honored to reach out to three local teachers here in Michigan. We began by sending out a survey where people could nominate a teacher of their choice that was going above and beyond. We asked each participant to provide a short summary of the teacher and why that teacher deserved $500!

Local First Responders
We were more than happy to personally hand out masks and hand sanitizers to the men and women who play such an important role in our everyday lives: our local police and fire departments.